Coaching for Any Level of Business at Anytime

Start wherever you are regardless of the size of your company. Implementation and growth is within your reach!


Coach Package

I need an industry expert to guide me in overcoming a variety of daily needs.


Coach Package

I need a partner in the Implementer to bring my ideas to fruition and finally experience success!


Coach Package

I have tried growing and changing only to fall short so may times. Most days I lack passion as I'm bogged down with daily tasks. I want freedom!

  • 1 plan for your next project
  • Proft Maker Assessment
  • Call, text or email anytime!

Freedom Benefits

  • Pass the stress off to someone else
  • Get back the “I’ll do this when I have time” hours

Cost of Waiting (Over $100,000 in revenue missed)

1 Less Service call per day or install per week, costing you money to your bottom line profit!

****Guaranteed RESULTS****

Increased Average Ticket & Closing more Leads
  • Everything in the “Pocket Coach Package” plus…
  • Company assessment tools for managers
  • Up to 3 projects
  • 2 growth meetings per month
  • 1 full day on-site visit per month*

*in town, out of town rates may apply

Freedom Benefits

  • Leave work for the day with no worries
  • Enjoy your hobby during work hours

Cost of waiting (your time, money and great people)

Up to 5% net profit to your bottom line and the cost of a great team member or bad hire.

****Guaranteed RESULTS****

Improved workflow and sales on Day 1
  • Everything in “Implementer Package” plus..
  • Implemented Company Growth Plan
  • Leadership training for the company
  • Let’s customize it to your business needs, I’m ready to help!
  • On-site visits, real time results and more…

Freedom Benefits

  • You control the business, not the business controlling you
  • Living and creating legacy for the future

Cost of Waiting (My company is really worth what?)

The "Hit by a truck scenario" will be the least of your worries for you and devastation for you company and their families. Take control of your destiny today!

****Guaranteed RESULTS****

Company's operation producing daily success & Planned out financial growth

TO GO Packages

You’re in the immediate need for a solution for your business, signaling the SOS alert for help right away. Have no fear, the Implementer is here! Let’s discover the fast and simple solution to your problem today.



1-on-1 coaching, implementing and training of a tech, team member or manager for one year @ 3x a month.

****Guaranteed RESULTS****

$ Personalized Daily, weekly, monthly & yearly goals and Habit tracker

Build a Salesperson


Personal sales trainer from onboarding to sales process to the closing of the sale, a step-by-step approach to closing the most deals your company can handle.

Let’s us workout all the sales headaches for you. Sit back and enjoy the thrill of higher sales without the pain!

****Guaranteed RESULTS****

$ Increase of $250K in Sales or your money back!

Brand Ambassador


Your Marketing guru handles all related marketing questions, projects and budget for your all business needs

A customized marketing advantage your competitors will be jealous of! LIMITED SPOTS ONLY!!!

****Guaranteed RESULTS****

$ 10% Increase in leads in 1 year or your money back!

Let's get to Implementing

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Select the package that meets your company needs!

service all over the US